March 10, 2011

Grilled Cheese

Yesterday morning I woke up, 29-years old, and got ready for work. This morning I woke up, 30. I sat on the couch updated my blog. My boss gave me the day off. Make that my former boss. He gave me everyday hereafter off too.

29 years 364 days old. Fired for the first time.

I was set to give my two weeks notice on Friday—heading back to Madison after all. Now I get a little quasi-mini-not-so two week vacation.

Being fired feels weird, but fortunately I am not in a position to be ashamed. I am not going to air the dirty laundry here, but know this: I can walk away holding my head high. I worked hard and handled things the ways I thought were best. I'll learn from the experience. What else can you do?

As Forest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that."


By the end of the day, I had lined up—planned, estimated and wrote up the proposal—a carpentry project that would more than compensate for not having a real job over the next two weeks. I will hopefully be doing a project that a friend needs done, while working alongside another friend. It's good to have friends.


How great is grilled cheese? You have a crazy day, 6 p.m. rolls onto the clock and you have no idea what's for dinner. But you're hungry. Bread, check, butter, check, cheese check. Add a can of soup and you have dinner. Add popcorn is its gourmet. Yesterday was a grilled cheese day. Dinner was great.

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