March 7, 2011

Nice Flow


My "cousin" Nick—he is related to me and younger so I call him a cousin—commented on a photo of me.

"nice flow" was all he said. 

Nick, being in college and enjoying all that comes with, is far cooler than I , who will be 30 on Thursday. I took his compliment as I compliment. 

According to the Urban Dictionary, Flow is:

"Long, curly or wavey hair. Mostly a hockey term. Hair that would flow out the back of someone's helmet and curl up around the back of the helmet. Someone can have a flow or be flowin'"

I'm flowin'

(It's a cool way of saying mullet)

The only other time I've sported long hair been flowin, I was a punk-ass 8th grader, trying to shed his dorky glasses, that-kid, image. No hair cuts and lots of Sun-In "hair dye" was my, attempted, solution. The results were debatable at best. Instead of my hair dying, it died, and I was pulling out clumps, roots and all, with little effort. I went with the buzz cut for the rest of my high school years. I was buzzin'.

I am enjoying the world of flow. When I accepted the gig on Madison this fall, my hair was getting long. I decided to go all in on the Mountain Man part and not cut my hair or shave my beard during the project. To my surprise, the untrimmed beard made it less than a month, but the hair lasted all fall and is flowin' into spring. 

Thanks Nick. 

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