January 3, 2011

The Magic Bus



I don't call the bus magic for some 60's hippy reason, although that could apply. I call it magic because it's the hidden solution to America's television problem. It's obvious, but I never realized how much of a lazy, time-sucking, convenience device a television was until I stuck it 500' behind my house in a bus.
TV in the bus takes some effort. You need to turn on the heat ahead of time (a propane Mr. Heater and an electric heat fan) You need some warm clothes and a headlamp. You have to carry any snacks and beer you want out all in one trip (two trips = too much effort). It's not just being bored, flopping on the couch and grabbing the remote. It's an adventure, so much so that you don't do it when you're feeling lazy. Now, when I am feeling lazy, I do it inside without TV. And when I do watch TV, I feel like I've actually done something.

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