January 27, 2011

The Author


A young boy told me today he hates to read.

His father, a writer, offered his disgust. 

"Jack," I said, "I bet your Dad will agree that reading, more than anything else, will make you a smarter person." Obviously the words had little effect on a fourth-grader—I was more telling myself. 

I meant it. Reading, when done right, is free of distraction. Conversations are distracting by nature. Listening is interrupted by speaking. When you read, all you do is listen. There's no need to talk back. 

Tonight, I was contemplating why I am writing this blog. I do that a lot with things that are important to me. Contemplate. For the last four years I've been wondering why I love to hike alone, all the while hiking alone. The question has become philosophical. I find a different answer on every trail. 

So why write this blog? 

I've never been one to journal. I wish I had. Memory is flawed. It can't take you back. It fades. Its biased. Dishonest at times. My Mom kept a journal sporadically during my senior year in high school. She did it for me. It was a graduation present. My Dad wrote a beautiful note in the back. It's an incredible gift—takes me back more than mere memory can. 

This is a journal in every sense. Yes it's public. And no its not a written chronology. Still a journal. Everyday I write I get more comfortable. And the journal becomes more honest. 

If reading makes you smarter, then writing makes the world smarter. If no one writes, there is nothing to read. I am by no means claiming that my little blog will make you smarter. But you will, for better or worse, get to know me better. 

Or at least I will get to know me better. 

Here's a great story on the power of writing from ESPN.com. It's long but worth it. 


  1. Well put and "great" pic!! Aunt L

  2. Great story about Nate, thanks for sharing. I'm with you on the peacefulness of the written word..Favorite quote, 'No one can make you feel inferior without your permission'. LovU, Mom
