August 29, 2010

Trail MIx

A random mix of news and notes.

Between last night and this morning I watched the documentary 180° South which retraces a 1968 journey to Patagonia by Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins. Two lessons I took from it: Adventures don't begin until things go wrong and the best adventures answer questions you never knew you had. 

August 25, 2010

Madison Tragedgy— A Good Lesson

Twenty-four years ago today a man died of hypothermia on Mt. Madison. It's a humbling story, one that should give any hiker pause when planning for a hike, no matter the time of year.

August 24, 2010

Why a Hut Here?

I confess, I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the AMC Huts.

August 22, 2010

How did I get here?

And what have I done? I've quit my job for a short-term gig, taken a hefty pay cut, severed a personal relationship and committed to my longest stretches without my best friend (Espresso) in his nine years.

If all goes as planned (which it surely won't, so lets say even if it doesn't) the above list will end up a footnote in the story, buried at the bottom of a blog filled with much better stories than this one.